The Courts at Lincoln — Chicago

If you’re looking to revamp the patio doors leading out to the porch of your condo, why not take a page from the playbook of this Lincoln Square multifamily building? Working together through their homeowner’s association, these four independent penthouse owners negotiated new fenestration for all four terraces at the same time. Although the remodeling goals of each unit were unique, collaborating allowed for greater efficiency during construction and major cost savings!

In total, we provided three multislide systems from LaCantina Doors, as well as one custom configuration from Sierra-Pacific Windows (all with integrated screens). Crane operators delivered the large glass panels and other components directly to each fifth-floor patio from the street — check out the picture of the products midair during installation!

LOCATION: 4950 N Western Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60625

DESIGN + BUILD: Structural Technologies
INSTALLER: Facilities Planning & Construction
PRODUCTS SUPPLIED: LaCantina Doors, Sierra-Pacific Windows

Categories: Windows & Doors, Window & Doors: Sliding + Pocket, Residential Multi Family, Outdoor Living