Rice Residence — Chicago

Check out the recent renovation project we worked on with our friends at Pavlecic Trudeau Architects!

The homeowners of this historic grays tone two-flat wanted to upgrade their fenestration to contemporary windows with improved energy efficiency, but didn’t want to break the bank to do so. We immediately knew that Quaker would have the perfect solution — these high-quality units from their “Manchester” series offer an impressive u-value of 0.26, can be custom-sized for existing openings, and are made of cost-effective vinyl.

Typically, you’ll see buildings of this age in Chicago sporting traditional double-hung windows. Craving uninterrupted views and a more modern aesthetic, these owners opted instead for sleek, casement style products with minimalist trim. Hinged at the side, a casement window swings open with the help of an interior crank handle.

But that’s not the only way this renovation was unique… these next level DIY-ers opted to rent scaffolding and install all of their new fenestration themselves! When you buy your windows directly from a dealer like us, you’re able to clearly distinguish what costs are associated with construction, and what costs are associated with the actual materials. And, if you’ve got the same adventurous moxie of this couple, you can save big by tackling the installation component your own way. We’re always happy to provide customers with manufacturer-specific installation instructions that can steer the process towards success.

LOCATION: Ukrainian Village, Chicago
ARCHITECT: Pavlecic Trudeau Architects

Categories: Residential Single Family, Historic Preservation + Adaptive Reuse, Windows & Doors