Midwest Eye Clinic — Downers Grove, IL

It isn’t hard to SEE how awesome this optometrist’s office in Downers Grove turned out!

We were delighted to work with our friends at CVG Architects to supply reclaimed thin brick for the interior build-out of Midwest Eye. Staff members at the clinic were instrumental in defining the unique residential aesthetic of their space, which pairs rustic accent materials with clean and bright contemporary details.

This particular batch of “Milwaukee Cream” common brick from our sister business (The Brickyard Inc) included a lot of graffiti residue, and was chosen for its distinctly colorful look! Every brick we salvage has a “clean” side and a “dirty” side — referring to which face pointed into the wall for a hundred years, and which face was subject to the wear & tear of a street-facing exterior surface. Some clients prefer the consistent color of the unblemished side, while others prefer the organically distressed look. Make sure to have a conversation with your mason during installation to establish your preference, and visit our yard to pick out your exact batch(es) of masonry if you’re seeking a highly specific end result.

Keep an EYE out for this awesome small business as you’re out & about in Chicago’s western suburbs. The space has earned a number of awards for its industrial chic interior design, and we’re proud to have been part of their success!

LOCATION: 2600 Warrenville Rd #211, Downers Grove, IL 60515
ARCHITECT:  CVG Architects
GC: Wightman Builders
PRODUCT SUPPLIED:“Milwaukee Cream” common brick


Categories: Reclaimed Materials, Commercial + Municipal, Fireplaces + Brick Interiors, Healthcare + Senior Living